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Awarding Ceremony for the National Skill Standards Mark, Six-pointed Silver Star

Awarding Ceremony for the National Skill Standards Mark, Six-pointed Silver Star

On June 2, 2017, Institute of Skill Development 6 Khon Kaen together with Cho Thavee Public Company Limited held a ceremony to award the National Skill Standard Mark, a six-pointed silver star according to the Star Labor Project of the Department of Skill Development. for employees of Cho Thavee Public Company Limited

that passed the national skill standard test Electric welder level 3 (advanced level), 1 person, MAG welding level 2 (intermediate level), 4 people and MAG welding level 1 (elementary level), 5 people, totaling 10 people, with General Sirichai Distakul, Minister of Labor Presided over the ceremony and donated with Mr. Teerapol Khunmuang, Director-General of the Department of Skill Development is the reporter and high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Labor attended the ceremony. After that, they visited the skill training course training. MAG welding field for automotive parts production The Institute for Skill Development 6 Khon Kaen has conducted training for 22 employees of Cho Thavee Public Company Limited and visited the Mechatronics Training and Operation Room of Cho Thavee Public Company Limited as an establishment. Business relating to the manufacture and export of vehicles that use high technology in production, such as food trucks in the airport, which the Company is the only manufacturer in Thailand. And has a market share in this type of product is number 1 in the world, as well as participating in the construction of the offshore patrol boat OPV (Krabi Royal Navy) with Bangkok Dock Company Limited (Navy), which is a boat built by Thai people It also invented a research and development project for automation systems. The company has developed a prototype robot for use in the company's production line. To help increase production capacity and reduce costs by using state-of-the-art technology. which is caused by the skill of technicians who have been trained and tested for national skill standards high technology Metal welding work.