CHO builds DOMVVI-Mobile Truck (the first vehicle in Thailand)
Cho Thavee Public Company Limited and Chulalongkorn University Co-designed and produced a vehicle, "Fast-sniffing vehicle, sniffing dog, screening for COVID-19 patients"
It is the first mobile laboratory on 10-wheel trucks in Thailand.
“DOMVVI vehicle, sniffing dog for screening COVID-19 patients” designed in collaboration with
Faculty of Engineering Chulalongkorn University using the car as a laboratory
Mobile Biosafety for Dog Operations so that operators can work quickly and proactively from collecting samples from sniffer dogs trained to smell high precision It is another innovation that will help prevent and control diseases in epidemic areas.
The Dog Olfactory Mobile Vehicle for Viral Inspection (DOM VVI) is designed with a mobile laboratory, inhalation equipment, and disinfection equipment to work with the Department of Disease Control. go efficiently On the usable area of about 16.8 square meters (7 meters x 2.4 meters), there are 4 rooms inside:
1. Multipurpose room It is a room for placing a locker to store the worker's luggage on the vehicle. and basic safety equipment including equipment
car cleaning
2. Dog room for dogs to rest during non-working hours
3. Sample preparation room It is a room for receiving samples collected from the outside of the car. Come in and prepare to change the container.
4. Workshop It is an area for dogs to smell and detect COVID-19. From the samples placed on the sampling stand, 12 rounds each.
It is the first mobile biosafety vehicle for sniffing dogs in Thailand. which was tested and launched on June 17, 2021
CHO is proud to contribute to society. through this important project
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